Company STROY XOLOD TASHKENT ltd. provides a range of services for the design and construction of refrigerating warehouses.

Refrigerating warehouses are assigned for storing goods and products at enterprises:

  • trade and catering;
  • meat processing production line;
  • cattle breeding;
  • pharmaceutical industry.

Temperature mode

Refrigerating warehouses are constructed according to your demands:

  • medium temperature warehouses – above 0°C
  • low temperature warehouses – below 0 °C

Construction of refrigerating warehouses

The range of services of the construction of refrigerating warehouses includes:

  • design and construction of a refrigerator warehouse
  • selection and supply of refrigeration equipment

The presence of highly professional specialists allows you to carry out development of project documentation and construction of cold storage facilities in the shortest possible time.

Design of cold storage facilities

The cold storage facility is being built using frame technology. Made of metal
a frame is being erected that can be sheathed with panels
(polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, basalt) both inside and outside the building.

Our features:

  • the ease of cutting sandwich panels and the "lattice" frame design allow you to quickly equip additional doors. Heavy attachments can be placed on a sturdy frame made of sandwich panels.
  • special refrigerator doors are selected strictly according to the temperature regime of the warehouse and can significantly reduce temperature losses during the operation of the building.
  • if necessary, the cold storage can be dismantled and transported to a new location.
  • depending on the purpose of the warehouse, various options of refrigerator doors are used: swing or sliding.
  • to ensure joints and connections during the construction of cold storage, metal shaped (doborny) elements, internal and external corners are used.


Vegetables and fruits are a perishable product, but there are solutions for long-term preservation of raw materials - this is drying.

Drying equipment is used for drying agricultural products and food products in production volumes at food processing and agricultural enterprises.

The technology allows to preserve the beneficial properties of the initial products as much as possible, to improve the quality and nutritional value of dried berries, fruits and vegetables.

  • in drying mixing units
  • continuity in work
  • maintaining the right temperature for different raw materials
  • software control of the process
  • the ability to control the humidity level in the chamber

The dried product is not critical to storage conditions and is resistant to the development of microflora. Dry products can be stored for up to a year without special containers (at low ambient humidity), while vitamin losses are 5-15%. The dry product can be stored in a sealed container for up to two years. Drying of products results in their reduction in volume by 3-4 times, and in mass by 4-8 times compared to the raw material (depending on its type). The dried product recovered by soaking in water can be subjected to any traditional culinary processing: cooking, frying, stewing, etc., and can also be eaten raw or dry.

In addition to all of the above, the drying equipment is universal and allows processing any plant products to obtain quickly recoverable dry products.

Аммиачное оборудование

Крупные промышленные предприятия, особенно работающие в пищевой промышленности, эксплуатируют системы холодоснабжения на базе аммиачных холодильных установок (АХМ), демонстрируя высокую эффективность использования.

В современных условиях, с выполнением всех правил эксплуатации аммиачных холодильных установок(АХМ), безопасность использования аммиачных установок стала практически абсолютной.

В составе аммиачных холодильных машин (АХМ) наибольшее применение получили компрессоры следующих типов

  • поршневые
  • винтовые
  • центробежные

Поршневые и винтовые компрессоры относятся к машинам объемного принципа действия.

Наибольшую популярность среди винтовых компрессоров, применяемых в аммиачных холодильных установок (АХМ), получили маслонаполненные двухмоторные машины. Установлено, что диапазон холодопроизводительности, при котором использование винтовых компрессоров является более целесообразным в сравнении с другими типами, составляет 400…1650 кВт при условии t0= –150C и tк= +300С

Для аммиака характерно, что он:

  • Экологически чист — поскольку является одним из продуктов жизнедеятельности живых организмов
  • Не разрушает озоновый слой и не создает парниковый эффект
  • Удельная массовая производительность примерно в 3,5 раза превышает аналогичный показатель других хладагентов
  • Обладает сильным резким запахом — что позволяет своевременно определять и устранять утечку

Регулируемая газовая среда (РГС)

Регулируемая газовая среда поможет сохранить свежесть ваших овощей и фруктов, а компания «STROY XOLOD TASHKENT» позаботится о том, чтобы оснащение ваших холодильных камер работало лучше всех на рынке холодильного оборудования.

Хранением в регулируемой газовой среде считают хранение плодов в среде с определенной концентрацией СО2 и кислорода при определенной температуре. При этом тот или иной газовый режим подбирается таким образом, чтобы сохранить нормальный дыхательный газообмен, а также правильное соотношение между температурой и состоянием плодов.

При реконструкции существующего здания или строительстве нового для реализации технологии хранения в РА следует учитывать специфические требования фруктов и овощей по поддержанию высокой относительной влажности в камерах (90-95%).

Мы предлагаем технологическое оборудование:

  • адсорберы
  • азотогенераторы
  • системы транспортировки азота
  • воздушные компрессора
  • автоматику, датчики и пр.
  • а также холодильное оборудование: машины холодильные, конденсаторы, специализированные воздухоохладители для хранения фруктов, приборы автоматики и защиты.

Chiller-fan coil system

A chiller is a refrigeration machine that is used in order to cool the liquids.

Chillers are utilized in various fields – in mechanical engineering, in foodstuff, alcohol, chemical, metalworking industry, medicine, etc. Along with this, chillers are widely used in central air conditioning systems.

Chiller-based air conditioning systems are implemented centralized multi-zone air-conditioning of a large number of rooms. The power of chillers varies widely – from a few kilowatts to several thousand kilowatts, so their scale of application is also very wide – from air conditioning of a small cottage to servicing large shopping and residential complexes, industrial facilities.

What component parts include the chiller-fan coil system?

The structure of the chiller-fan coil system includes the following structural elements:

  • Chiller or the central cooling machine
  • Fan-coils or local heat exchanger
  • Cooling liquid (heat-transfer fluid). It can be the water or the ethylene glycol liquid
  • Hydro Module pump. In the large systems usually the pump systems are considered.
  • Piping wiring
  • System of automatic control.


Industrial areas for the production of textile and paper products, preparing (processing) of wood, as well as other industries need constant humidity control. In order to obtain high-quality products, compliance with climatic conditions in production workshops is a prerequisite.

The principle of operation of the humidification device

The principle of operation of this humidification system involves the use of nozzles, water fittings and high-pressure hoses. Automatic humidification units increase the pressure to the set value. At the same time, the components of the system "grind" water droplets up to 5 microns. Due to this action, the effect of "lightning evaporation" occurs, due to which the ambient temperature decreases. Depending on the purpose of using this installation, the temperature can drop in the range from 5 to 15 °C.

To maintain a certain level of humidity, fog generation systems are most often used. Such equipment not only lowers the temperature and irrigates garden plots, but also has a beneficial effect on health, improving well-being. Mist humidification is usually carried out in open areas. A similar humidification system is installed along the perimeter of the cooled area. Due to this, a kind of curtain of fog is created.

Composition of the industrial humidification system:

  • Filtration system
  • High pressure installation
  • Programmable controller
  • Humidity sensor
  • Pipeline
  • Fittings
  • Mist-forming nozzles

Areas of application of the humidification unit

  • In cafes and restaurants
  • In greenhouses, hotbeds
  • In industry
  • In industrial refrigerating chambers


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